Safety Inspection At Plant

Second part Inspections

We fully verify your quality

Company profile

Our experts, working closely with the various departments of the client company, ensure that all quality requirements are met according to regulations.

Ecpi Ispezioni Secondo Livello

What we do

We deal with Professional Inspection Service, using experienced personnel, specialized in quality control and assurance, process monitoring, inspection and surveillance, in the most diverse industrial sectors:

Ecpi Ispezioni Secondo Livello

How we operate

Our inspectors are supported by a ready and dynamic structural organization, which also includes a good network of contracted collaborators so that every aspect is clear and guaranteed.

With flexible schedules and direct reporting, we can reduce the risks of non-conformity and the resulting costs by delivering tailor-made solutions for high-quality businesses.

Ecpi Inspection

The ability to involve our technical department, in continuous support of our inspectors, and the multidisciplinarity of our team, are distinctive features compared to the competition of other inspection agencies.

These features allow us to provide support in all areas of construction, providing not only a detailed analysis of the problems encountered but also, if required, the potential solution.

Ecpi Inspection

The activities

Several activities involve our inspectors:


Presence at connected suppliers and/or sub-suppliers to verify activities marked as witness, monitoring and hold points on the inspection plan


Participation in pre-inspection/manufacturing meetings


Inspection of all stages of production (initial, ongoing and final inspections)


Non-destructive tests


Supervision of technology tests, hydrostatic tests, pneumatic test, leak test, run test, routine test, performance test, PMI, hardness test, PWHT and so on


Visual, dimensional and quantitative inspection of goods


Verification of the painting/coating


Welding inspections


Review of testing certificates / inspection


Revision of material certificates (chemical analysis, mechanical properties and so on)


Verification of the manufacturer’s databooks