Epci Procurement


We carefully select your suppliers

Company profile

We operate effectively in the corporate procurement process, helping our customers to develop standards for supplier selection and supply chain management policies and procedures.

The procurement service manager plays a crucial role in the development of a business, because, when it is performed with expertise, it increases organisational agility, and productivity, and maximises return on investment.

Epci Procurement

What we do

During all aspects of our work, we align ourselves with the vision and ethics of our customers, helping them to develop procurement policies that reflect these principles.

Epci Procurement

Our procurement process comprises the following activities:


Defining of proposals, quotes and supplier assessment policies


Research and identification of customer specifications


Preparation of methods, tools and platforms to communicate with suppliers


Preparation of Proposal Requests or Quotation Requests

How we operate

Our skill and experience in the engineering and construction fields allow us to perform every single step of a project, starting from the pre-process phases, from the ordering of technical components from our trusted suppliers to the shipping of the finished products to the customer to the formalities involved in quotations, invoicing and payments, and during the purchasing phase, a key moment in the procurement process.

Epci Procurement

We perform the following fundamental steps to ensure we achieve a satisfactory conclusion achieve a satisfactory conclusion


Design, management and organisation of work


Sub-contracting of the necessary supplies to individual workshops


Return of the complete plant system to the contractor

Request Request

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